August 22, 2023: Everyone is Fine, Actually

The Wellness Hub is an incredible resource for our healthy and happy students.

70% of the 20% of students who call and successfully get an appointment are "not applicable" with their treatment, according to our survey.

All of the feedback received by the Hub is considered carefully by a student volunteer. This volunteer prints out your feedback, reads it, and then dutifully shreds it.

We offer a workshop for peer supporters, called, "Undertrained and inundated with mental-health fads? We all give ourselves a pat on the back for filling gaping institutional holes".

Come check out our Healthy Living Annex. It's a safe space! We ensure this by kicking out anyone who is in distress, or who is happy but neurodivergent.

If you have recurring issues, we'll direct you up to the fifth floor to our psychiatry appointment. These conservative men will destroy your sense of self and then refer you off-campus. We're trauma informed; we recognize that everyone we don't understand has a personality disorder. Incredibly, these students never need follow-up - in fact, we never see them again!

Now here's a gem of advice: if you see a student struggling, remember that it is *their* brain causing them problems, and that's why McGill can't do anything about it. Encourage them to reach out to the Wellness Hub, where they can be seen in six to eight business months provided that they wait on hold for about half an hour every morning.

If there's anyone in distress, call campus security. They know what to do.

Living, laughing, and loving, Yours truly,

The Wellness Hub